Perry Dime's Paradigms


Sabbatical (June-August 2022)

Bestest Mate

Not all my friends are all the merry to see me venture far away from tent, and not to tarry when follow I the northern star the bestest friends don't want your leave unless your flight is better for bestest friends hope all the best hope not to see you fettered but how so tough to hold your tongue when first your mate is born a son for first in line is of your own and best of all counts only one

Dinner on Behalf

A dinner on behalf of you we ate till stomach's full entire time we talked in love you on our heart strings pulled next dinner on behalf of me be sure to have dessert eat somewhere not below a roof or fine within a yurt be wary, though, of on behalf behind your back we'll def'ly laugh

Work-Life-Allegiance Balance

Allegiance times with work-life balance a model to consider because allegiant I should be regardless of the bidder allegiance to a higher truth is called fidelity this balances our comm'nwealth fraud the owner/man'ger otomy for proprt' bringee sustenance and propert' bringer maintenance

Beauty Disrupts Priorities

He's critical of my judgment immanuel the Kant priorities are disrupted by beaut' eternal taunt as Einstein said of time near woman cut from the freshest cloth so also is her butterfly time worthy more than moth so if you've ever wondered why this is critique of "a priori"

I'm 28 and five sixths

I heard a child of vibrant youth say she was four and half such beauty uttered 'tween those tooths thoughts altered on my path I'm curr'ntly "turning" 35 I will be "reaching" 40 I will have "made it" thereunto and all the while portly in youth, we know each half that passed in age, why bother do the math?

Generational Player

A pleasant day at Fenway Park is soon my day to play my brother told me: keep eyes peeled on Ron Acuna J a generation has passed on to think about a sport an injury, yet, still a ring this injury: a tort to fans and collegues: listen all for starting pitch and yelled: play ball!

Meauring Twice in Goulish Anticipation

What's next to come is architect myself is first in line what's next is family respect somewhere amidst the pines biology I can't forget both mine and of the girls to learn anatomy: dissect from scratch: the bugs and squirrels a goulish COUNT, my title certain forever since the neurosurgeon

Mind a Flame

From mind to paper manifest what someday soon will be by Mother, born an archtiect by Father, born as he my English spoken dialect pervades throughout my days maeutic birthing intellect Socratic guide through maze a body built of brawn and might a mind a top throughout alight

Umami Aesthetic

Sushi on a bed of carrots shredded thin like hay fruit dried in martini glass summer dress in May synesthesia is quite flacid in this populace visual is all the hyper flavor much the less do not let the doctors know you sometimes feel beneath the nose

Pleasant Guest

I meet a stranger at the bar works renovate design interior of Mount Vernon was brought up mighty fine I want to talk 'bout what you said and some about mine own some searching for how we could bed but not quite hitting home so pleasant we can be right now twice vicious we can be in doubt

Humble Hubble

Inspired by the founders' homes to work a little harder "the sky's the limit" doesn't cut it above the sky is smarter cause shooting for the stars above above the sky we see will land us firmament above our home known galaxy because of Webb we see quite farther an engineer and safety barter a speckle of what one can know retire Hubble, Martyr!

Checking In

At home a friend I call today to see how he has been of all the roosters where I stay he is the father hen he's in between the other guys he's in between the girls his partner is the mother hen to us she means the world our call's intention's peaceful dove we end the call in brother's love

You'll Have to Board

Your music structure still rings true your style hard to beat my friend, you are a shining blue you'll always have a seat right at my table, this I know if e'er I'm truly drafted most likely ten years down the road when situation's drastic to stand a chance, they'll have to board with water clothed to mouth they'll pour

Library of Congress

Hand select to represent librarians are saints guarding fleshy tombs and trees these books are chosen paints colored by the effort pure of arch'tect engineers smothered by the walls of myrrh a hidden gem is near congress has a shelf of books distance only is one look

Separate Antecedent (Acts)

Who e'er believeth will not thirst means all do not believe for only truth is spoke by Christ so, false the antecede salvation from the chosen peeps is brought on trust in God externalize, throughout commit that man is made from sod patriots are probly list'ning A/C politique is pist'ning hard to chew that we don't care our selfie eyes are glist'ning

Natural Interest

Resource allocate by queue give to only where there's need sensors know just what to do divvy only healthy seed though by God a diff'rent tale more is give to those who have dry an empty water pale int'rest on the loan that's gave right the wrongs of cred inherit 'gainst the nautral law inherent

Civilian Kleos: Dying Surrounded by your Children

In a hammock o'er a cliff happy as a lark have to make it back to camp 'fore the weather's dark not too many creepy crawlies dew is not too wet birds are tweeting in the distance so I don't forget birds a singing mountain tops and hammocks to relax are healthy for the soul and spirit freshing as a nap 'nother thing that birds remind is of my Mama's Dad "This one's for the birds" he spoke before his breathing's last Why the birds? When not the fish? Thought I since that day as a flyer fisherman thought that's what he'd say retrospect is 20/20 this I can admit as an avid fisherman thought he'd talk 'bout fish. My daddy's father had a diff'rent style at his end asked his daughter "let me die?!" then looked a sour grim; this makes sense though brings a tear as his end was pain tortured by his mighty daughter kept him live in vain. Both to war and back to fam'ly poetry then prose though they left on diff'rent treatise both died Civil Kleos.

Ego Death by Interdependence

Sister shifting into mother pray she has a healthy daughter pressure taken off of brother time us all an ego slaughter Ev'ry pivot chose to work though not needed cause her beauty from a job she didn't shirk now deserves she birthing duty when by word sh'agrees return flexible she ought to be will her fi-re smokeless burn ought decide by child's needs

Stable Abel

Much I'd rather working smarter rather than me working harder though a balance I must strike else my body fleshly like country folk would give an arm possibly inflict a harm just to work from anywhere as my skills have me prepared salary work is quite stable ev'ry Caan must have an Abel

Renter's Economy

Owner manager divide manager is like to hide 'hind the rules set by the owner leave a message at the toner veins of light'ning phones do reach quick as fright'ning children teached 'bout the homestead life of rent better off inside of tent income rep security ought to not have equity

Symbol of an Uncle

Semblance of a Father past and mother, in her teeth eyes of uncle in his last my counsel is beseeched buy the farm? I'm asked afront no other question spoke may have only left a month his memories bespoke common sense is not so simple Here, myself is more a symbol

Family Book Shelf

Forget I that my sapling self grafts will for more than me - for fathers, mothers from the shelf our book shelf family tree the pages glued from maple sap thin sliced is neices time too shelves are fastened with that sap love taps our maple brine our family tree is more like woods prepared by Lord God's sovereignty then fashioned into shelves with books will artisan to testimony for trees from which we budding came as living flesh do not remain

Don't Catch Me On a Walkabout

Don't want to get caught out abroad while on a life sabbatical for my type of this is quite prude attract I want a radical so practical to take a break from think and shatter archetypal crust in gears inside emotions are quite pink outside conceptions radic'lized as fears don't catch me while I'm on a walkabout for she who'd catch would be she without clout

Robert Lowell

To read a Bard as Robert Lowell is first off not to rhyme and second off his mental state is from a diff'rent time his meter is as clean as snow his archetype is pure his pattern is to lead in sync and pound worth more than myrrh but most of all my fav'rite part is how the end recalls the start

January-May 2022


As toxins release from our skin in the fomenting sea So also do toxins release from the soul by the Barding of Poetry

Rudder inthe Water

rudder in the water steady as she goes purify my meter archetype my prose please don't rock my boat satisfy my soul draw bridge o'er yer moat humming crystal bowl spend not energy on past build a future that will last

No Returns for Private Hosts

once a day on Ocean Beach walked upon the sand dropped my wallet and ID picked up by a man walking home aloof on phone I received a ring twas a savior at the tone to return my things asked how found me by the phone said he was beside his home used his phone to search my name and found my name .com claimed a skill of last profession was to find that which was lost taught this fool important lesson no returns for private hosts

Polymorph NeanderPaul

method simple: break the stick homage to the flame method civil not 'nough quick much too method tame when he aims to break the stick 'pends on where he's at 'pends on sundial clockwork tick if the log's too fat driving force aims not to stall polymorph neanderpaul

Before Assisting Others, Got it

adorn your mask before assist help yourself before your kids grandma will just have to wait last in line is grandma's mate in the case emergency shift my focus onto me couldn't help when help I need give you breath when I can't breathe? must repeat "help self instead" help myself in lieu of beg

Posterity App Board Game - Guerropoly

keep the card count, first and foremost bet to not go broke execution winner 'proaches form a wheel with spokes first to reach the opp'site corner finishes the round lose the round? don't be a mourner winning is in pounds minor chips asks "end this play?" major chips has final say

Defeatist Sour Den

He knows it's good to want to swim in vein topography the method of his sour den is dinner sophistry and now he raise his hand to God and draw the tapestry though sophistry is seldom taught its homebrewed sweet chai tea her method is by terse complexion now she's up for re-election

Dunbar Consent

manufactured feeling I am in the group I claim Dunbar number limits mind to kick out one more name talking heads are filled to brim I cannot fill another ought I now begin to trim? or else I'll lose a brother feels like I'm in old boys club when really manufactured Hegemón at local pub when even hood is fractured not as like to march the streets if think I may sink my teeth

Long as you Call me For Dinner

odd enough the Pass Aggress is form comradery quickest way evoke detest withhold flak from the lead self flagelle in minor form is form of currency withhold transact in the forum will earn not leniency fear not tear from friction rub free to choose your old boys' club

Bud Got Fixed

a change in epoch of the psych by plebian the thought of might a master - poor morality our dog no longer members 3 we snipped out - off his ever pride a loss of luster, stalk, and stride this furry beast of tail and snout creates remembrance of our bout: demeanor stouted by the quo is much the same as none below

St. Pete Beach

wade orthogonal to shore lay upon my back close my eyes, breath deep till snore feel my tingling sack let the waters wash me in calm as gulf can be liquid sun bath under chin liquor licked by sea del'catessin by the pool let's not eat till we are full


understand now marketing based upon the market robot feelers statisting likely basket target really should call: basketing individual options rally choices racketing trade - off brand adoptions where brands sell is called their breadth options stack is called their depth now I've got the rules of thumb discipline I've crept

Xnor Division of Labor

specialize our roles - let's try put our diff'rences aside you a gal, and I a guy us against the whole world wide acquisition I shall due management you're better - sure though my backlog is in queue prior'tize our love so pure simply choosing broader scope wider spread when we bespoke

IRS Division of Labor

man is meant to be a team with fairer one to mend the seems teams are meant to have a head of household who will earn the bread head of household is the maker appropriate the tools with trade course there needs to be a baker to manage house by hoe and spade separate the roles in teams pocket book will surely bream


with the future make a penny potent you may be you times five considered gentry potenter times three fifteen men all in fraternal claim to have potential three of those are in paternal other twelve in sensual ego, id, and superego in the three times four pathos, logos, sometimes ethos in the three left o'er always 'nother better spoken most of all is omnipotent

Ripening Values

why not take from those without? give to those within nepotism with no doubt first fill child's bin why not spend what has been sunk? ladder upwards scathe long as values shift topwrung steering from the grave shifting ladders top a roof choose wrung downwards after youth

Helmet On

"Helmet On": my doc to me commands "when drink a cup of tea..." "that's the only time!!" I boast "not so quick, too when you toast!" "Any when in kitchen spent..." "Any time while in your tent..." "guard rails, training wheels, sign posts..." "need to teach you how to roast - yourself, especially with friends not aiming for specific ends."

I'll Pass on That

don't pass me off as someone sharp I'm fraid of landscapes and the dark don't pass me off as someone new I roll with times as fast as glue don't pass me off as someone mute I'll talk your ear off rally, boot don't pass me choice of what is on cause passing off means pass baton


Fermented Sonnet

as boy a peer as man caretaker from You. miss the chance to call a son: brother. ocean dunked head renunciation from… You guide to sun till bobbing bobber. we fall like fruit from tree of knowledge: crisp. You kill sis with your love till she repents. perhaps we’ll work for serpent lyr'cal lisp… You prevent, drink mixed toxic fruit-ferments. At first-thoughts age you taught Boolean logic. Non-symmetric habits contribute to Mine and Princess's: from ferments throat sick. We walk east from eden hesitant to plant trees, bear fruit, expect one day to find the habits (distract mind) our fruit decline.

Pleasure Eye

The left eye is the pleasure eye - it rolls when at the climax of experience – Left alone it would dart about always stimulated shaking at the brink of release ever hungry. The right eye balances love and hate in the healthy. Only one eye is evil – it sheds love as well. Poets squint the right lid fathers squint the left. The wide eyed naïve know not that they penetrate their lover with godly love as if they could follow up with their aesthetic promise.

Hunger cast aside

Hunger cast aside your thirst for wine beckons me forth to dip a swiss sponge in sours, on the end of a spear. The spear that means to cut you by my hand and jam the sponge into your half parsed mouth. You have no tears to cry from delight. Tis a simple job to feed you wine. For it alleviates what I can identify with. One day comes and goes and I must now alleviate your suffering and force you into your prophecy's path as if by prayer I know it is time to go to you. I start with the men by your side because no blinding light obscures my duty your head raises to me. I think back to my employer's words directed towards his advisor: “What makes them think he can just quit by leaving us. We are stuck here to suffer and he gets a man (me) to harbor him away” I am so conflicted I must stick him either way… Upon approach all my thoughts are clear though his are not to me I plead with my eyes for a response of life Promptly you nod yes and then shake no. In two swifts I slice.

I Pharoahed

Our chamber became a work of history of course time stood on its head But the focus was on pure creation. We started by searching for pleasure and role specialization and we moved to defense against the dark arts. I tended to her already ravished body to squeeze out whatever basic citrus I could… 6 in total, With one ear cocked to the entire neighboring community A sleeping mattress that prepared us for the day ahead of Pontius Pilate witch trials.

Heretical Fidelian

Don't Locke me up as a heretic I am not even in your paradigm If you must classify, label me a heretical fidelian. Sure, I'm an infidel – though do you dream of grace's brothers and sisters? which already moves in your souls? – – and fidelity, to me, pities patience as if confidence outshines courage

Ballet Feet (for Daniél)

Let me see obtuse angled prop up brings the ballet foot to a caress able proximity close for inspection though the wells of tears! - prevent lucid perception. down drama face anguish tight pain from the 5th vertebrae up. Toe tuck and flex an immediate vision of selfish sex not worth her pain for the added 180 degree leg raise - the selfish cannot escape selfish empathy. Will one rub alieve any stub or friction rip. Will Neosporin help? Yes but no. I don't get to press your sole The angle more acute - a tinge of detest demands comment of rest for appeasal rest for whom? With self-conscious grace I raise abrasion and bruise and shattered-bone scar-tissue to mouth for the only sensual touch sensitive enough - much prettier than a puppy so I ought to lick her wound. I'm not always moved to orifice sucking but God! The pressed and molded pulp of a stub, blue-red and knicked, changes our lives with its changing state. How is the stem so clean when the roots are so dirty?

Tis Best to Couple

Tis best to couple grief and deep impression at the same time. For then the cespool of chems add up to less than their parts. For bad can only be so bad at one time, and unknown evils contain worse than known.

Seditious Virtue

You moderate even moderation You find the middle ground You ride the razor You balance with a schedule and an idiot I mean Idiom memory Great, so, right habit right on and then a body of bodies kicks you so hard in the rear that your practice shifts ever slightly Just because it is in the middle doesn't make it right habit.

In a new land

In a new land and time for not but What to do? – – I ask myself and you. The plan's to do something new. I am but one part not two so, my values – refined down to a few. A few A few torn askew by Shepard’s chore only that and nothing more.

2023-09-08 Don’t Care What You Call Me as long as You Call Me For Dinner!

Kama Sutra (Snippets) Author: Vatsyayana Translator: Shivaram Parashuram Bhide Sir Richard Francis Burton Bhagavanlal Indrajit Which might otherwise be called a treatise on men and women, their mutual relationship, and connection with each other. It is a work that should be studied by all, both old and young; the former will find in it real truths, gathered by experience, and already tested by themselves, while the latter will derive the great advantage of learning things, which some perhaps may otherwise never learn at all, or which they may only learn when it is too late to profit by the learning. It can also be fairly commended to the student of social science and of humanity, and above all to the student of those early ideas, which have gradually filtered down through the sands of time, and which seem to prove that the human nature of to-day is much the same as the human nature of the long ago. The following are the arts to be studied, together with the Kama Sutra:-- 1. Singing. 2. Playing on musical instruments. 3. Dancing. 4. Union of dancing, singing, and playing instrumental music. 5. Writing and drawing. 6. Tattooing. 7. Arraying and adorning an idol with rice and flowers. 8. Spreading and arraying beds or couches of flowers, or flowers upon the ground. 9. Colouring the teeth, garments, hair, nails, and bodies, _i.e._, staining, dyeing, colouring and painting the same. 10. Fixing stained glass into a floor. 11. The art of making beds, and spreading out carpets and cushions for reclining. 12. Playing on musical glasses filled with water. 13. Storing and accumulating water in aqueducts, cisterns and reservoirs. 14. Picture making, trimming and decorating. 15. Stringing of rosaries, necklaces, garlands and wreaths. 16. Binding of turbans and chaplets, and making crests and top-knots of flowers. 17. Scenic representations. Stage playing. 18. Art of making ear ornaments. 19. Art of preparing perfumes and odours. 20. Proper disposition of jewels and decorations, and adornment in dress. 21. Magic or sorcery. 22. Quickness of hand or manual skill. 23. Culinary art, _i.e._, cooking and cookery. 24. Making lemonades, sherbets, acidulated drinks, and spirituous extracts with proper flavour and colour. 25. Tailor's work and sewing. 26. Making parrots, flowers, tufts, tassels, bunches, bosses, knobs, &c., out of yarn or thread. 27. Solution of riddles, enigmas, covert speeches, verbal puzzles and enigmatical questions. 28. A game, which consisted in repeating verses, and as one person finished, another person had to commence at once, repeating another verse, beginning with the same letter with which the last speaker's verse ended, whoever failed to repeat was considered to have lost, and to be subject to pay a forfeit or stake of some kind. 29. The art of mimicry or imitation. 30. Reading, including chanting and intoning. 31. Study of sentences difficult to pronounce. It is played as a game chiefly by women and children, and consists of a difficult sentence being given, and when repeated quickly, the words are often transposed or badly pronounced. 32. Practice with sword, single stick, quarter staff, and bow and arrow. 33. Drawing inferences, reasoning or inferring. 34. Carpentry, or the work of a carpenter. 35. Architecture, or the art of building. 36. Knowledge about gold and silver coins, and jewels and gems. 37. Chemistry and mineralogy. 38. Colouring jewels, gems and beads. 39. Knowledge of mines and quarries. 40. Gardening; knowledge of treating the diseases of trees and plants, of nourishing them, and determining their ages. 41. Art of cock fighting, quail fighting and ram fighting. 42. Art of teaching parrots and starlings to speak. 43. Art of applying perfumed ointments to the body, and of dressing the hair with unguents and perfumes and braiding it. 44. The art of understanding writing in cypher, and the writing of words in a peculiar way. 45. The art of speaking by changing the forms of words. It is of various kinds. Some speak by changing the beginning and end of words, others by adding unnecessary letters between every syllable of a word, and so on. 46. Knowledge of language and of the vernacular dialects. 47. Art of making flower carriages. 48. Art of framing mystical diagrams, of addressing spells and charms, and binding armlets. 49. Mental exercises, such as completing stanzas or verses on receiving a part of them; or supplying one, two or three lines when the remaining lines are given indiscriminately from different verses, so as to make the whole an entire verse with regard to its meaning; or arranging the words of a verse written irregularly by separating the vowels from the consonants, or leaving them out altogether; or putting into verse or prose sentences represented by signs or symbols. There are many other such exercises. 50. Composing poems. 51. Knowledge of dictionaries and vocabularies. 52. Knowledge of ways of changing and disguising the appearance of persons. 53. Knowledge of the art of changing the appearance of things, such as making cotton to appear as silk, coarse and common things to appear as fine and good. 54. Various ways of gambling. 55. Art of obtaining possession of the property of others by means of muntras or incantations. 56. Skill in youthful sports. 57. Knowledge of the rules of society, and of how to pay respects and compliments to others. 58. Knowledge of the art of war, of arms, of armies, &c. 59. Knowledge of gymnastics. 60. Art of knowing the character of a man from his features. 61. Knowledge of scanning or constructing verses. 62. Arithmetical recreations. 63. Making artificial flowers. 64. Making figures and images in clay. The following are the things to be done occasionally as diversions or amusements. 1. Holding festivals in honour of different Deities. 2. Social gatherings of both sexes. 3. Drinking parties. 4. Picnics. 5. Other social diversions. The following women are not to be enjoyed:-- A leper. A lunatic. A woman turned out of caste. A woman who reveals secrets. A woman who publicly expresses desire for sexual intercourse. A bad-smelling woman. A woman who is a near relation. A woman who is a female friend. A woman who leads the life of an ascetic. The following are the kind of friends:-- One who has played with you in the dust, _i.e._, in childhood. One who is bound by an obligation. One who is of the same disposition and fond of the same things. One who is a fellow student. One who is acquainted with your secrets and faults, and whose faults and secrets are also known to you. One who is a child of your nurse. One who is brought up with you. One who is an hereditary friend. These friends should possess the following qualities:-- They should tell the truth. They should not be changed by time. They should be favourable to your designs. They should be firm. They should be free from covetousness. They should not be capable of being gained over by others. They should not reveal your secrets. There are thus three equal unions between persons of corresponding dimensions, and there are six unequal unions, when the dimensions do not correspond, or nine in all, as the following table shows: There are also nine kinds of union according to the force of passion or carnal desire, as follows: Men learned in the humanities are of opinion that love is of four kinds, viz.: 1. Love acquired by continual habit. 2. Love resulting from the imagination. 3. Love resulting from belief. 4. Love resulting from the perception of external objects. (1). Love resulting from the constant and continual performance and habit, as for instance the love of sexual intercourse, the love of hunting, the love of drinking, the love of gambling, etc., etc. (2). Love which is felt for things to which we are not habituated, and which proceeds entirely from ideas, is called love resulting from imagination, as for instance, that love which some men and women and eunuchs feel for the Auparishtaka or mouth congress, and that which is felt by all for such things as embracing, kissing, etc., etc. (3). The love which is mutual on both sides, and proved to be true, when each looks upon the other as his or her very own, such is called love resulting from belief by the learned. (4). The love resulting from the perception of eternal objects is quite evident and well-known to the world, because the pleasure which it affords is superior to the pleasure of the other kinds of love, which exists only for its sake. The causes of a woman rejecting the addresses of a man are as follows: 1. Affection for her husband. 2. Desire of lawful progeny. 3. Want of opportunity. 4. Anger at being addressed by the man too familiarly. 5. Difference in rank of life. 6. Want of certainty on account of the man being devoted to travelling. 7. Thinking that the man may be attached to some other person. 8. Fear of the man's not keeping his intentions secret. 9. Thinking that the man is too devoted to his friends, and has too great a regard for them. 10. The apprehension that he is not in earnest. 11. Bashfulness on account of his being an illustrious man. 12. Fear on account of his being powerful, or possessed of too impetuous passion, in the case of the deer woman. 13. Bashfulness on account of his being too clever. 14. The thought of having once lived with him on friendly terms only. 15. Contempt of his want of knowledge of the world. 16. Distrust of his low character. 17. Disgust at his want of perception of her love for him. 18. In the case of an elephant woman, the thought that he is a hare man, or a man of weak passion. 19. Compassion lest any thing should befall him on account of his passion. 20. Despair at her own imperfections. 21. Fear of discovery. 22. Disillusion at seeing his grey hair or shabby appearance. 23. Fear that he may be employed by her husband to test her chastity. 24. The thought that he has too much regard for morality. The following are the men who generally obtain success with women. 1. Men well versed in the science of love. 2. Men skilled in telling stories. 3. Men acquainted with women from their childhood. 4. Men who have secured their confidence. 5. Men who send presents to them. 6. Men who talk well. 7. Men who do things that they like. 8. Men who have not loved other women previously. 9. Men who act as messengers. 10. Men who knew their weak points. 11. Men who are desired by good women. 12. Men who are united with their female friends. 13. Men who are good looking. 14. Men who have been brought up with them. 15. Men who are their neighbours. 16. Men who are devoted to sexual pleasures, even though these be their own servants. 17. The lovers of the daughters of their nurse. 18. Men who have been lately married. 19. Men who like picnics and pleasure parties. 20. Men who are liberal. 21. Men who are celebrated for being very strong (Bull men). 22. Enterprising and brave men. 23. Men who surpass their husbands in learning and good looks, in good quality, and in liberality. 24. Men whose dress and manner of living are magnificent. The following are the women who are easily gained over. 1. Women who stand at the doors of their houses. 2. Women who are always looking out on the street. 3. Women who sit conversing in their neighbour's house. 4. A woman who is always staring at you. 5. A female messenger. 6. A woman who looks sideways at you. 7. A woman whose husband has taken another wife without any just cause. 8. A woman who hates her husband or who is hated by him. 9. A woman who has nobody to look after her, or keep her in check. 10. A woman who has not had any children. 11. A woman whose family or caste is not well known. 12. A woman whose children are dead. 13. A woman who is very fond of society. 14. A woman who is apparently very affectionate with her husband. 15. The wife of an actor. 16. A widow. 17. A poor woman. 18. A woman fond of enjoyments. 19. The wife of a man with many younger brothers. 20. A vain woman. 21. A woman whose husband is inferior to her in rank or abilities. 22. A woman who is proud of her skill in the arts. 23. A woman disturbed in mind by the folly of her husband. 24. A woman who has been married in her infancy to a rich man, and not liking him when she grows up, desires a man possessing a disposition, talents, and wisdom suitable to her own tastes. 25. A woman who is slighted by her husband without any cause. 26. A woman who is not respected by other women of the same rank or beauty as herself. 27. A woman whose husband is devoted to travelling. 28. The wife of a jeweller. 29. A jealous woman. 30. A covetous woman. 31. An immoral woman. 32. A barren woman. 33. A lazy woman. 34. A cowardly woman. 35. A humpbacked woman. 36. A dwarfish woman. 37. A deformed woman. 38. A vulgar woman. 39. An ill-smelling woman. 40. A sick woman. 41. An old woman. Money is got out of a lover in two ways, viz.: By natural or lawful means, and by artifices. Old authors are of opinion that when a courtesan can get as much money as she wants from her lover, she should not make use of artifice. But Vatsyayana lays down that though she may get some money from him by natural means, yet when she makes use of artifice he gives her doubly more, and therefore artifice should be resorted to for the purpose of extorting money from him at all events. Now the artifices to be used for getting money from her lover are as follows: 1st. Taking money from him on different occasions, for the purpose of purchasing various articles, such as ornaments, food, drink, flowers, perfumes and cloths, and either not buying them, or getting from him more than their cost. 2nd. Praising his intelligence to his face. 3rd. Pretending to be obliged to make gifts on occasion of festivals connected with vows, trees, gardens, temples, or tanks.[75] 4th. Pretending that at the time of going to his house, her jewels have been stolen either by the King's guards, or by robbers. 5th. Alleging that her property has been destroyed by fire, by the falling of her house, or by the carelessness of her servants. 6th. Pretending to have lost the ornaments of her lover along with her own. 7th. Causing him to hear through other people of the expenses incurred by her in coming to see him. 8th. Contracting debts for the sake of her lover. 9th. Disputing with her mother on account of some expense incurred by her for her lover, and which was not approved of by her mother. 10th. Not going to parties and festivities in the houses of her friends for the want of presents to make to them, she having previously informed her lover of the valuable presents given to her by these very friends. 11th. Not performing certain festive rites under the pretence that she has no money to perform them with. 12th. Engaging artists to do something for her lover. 13th. Entertaining physicians and ministers for the purpose of attaining some object. 14th. Assisting friends and benefactors both on festive occasions, and in misfortune. 15th. Performing household rites. 16th. Having to pay the expenses of the ceremony of marriage of the son of a female friend. 17th. Having to satisfy curious wishes during her state of pregnancy. 18th. Pretending to be ill, and charging her cost of treatment. 19th. Having to remove the troubles of a friend. 20th. Selling some of her ornaments, so as to give her lover a present. 21st. Pretending to sell some of her ornaments, furniture, or cooking utensils to a trader, who has been already tutored how to behave in the matter. 22nd. Having to buy cooking utensils of greater value than those of other people, so that they might be more easily distinguished, and not changed for others of an inferior description. 23rd. Remembering the former favours of her lover, and causing them always to be spoken of by her friends and followers. 24th. Informing her lover of the great gains of other courtezans. 25th. Describing before them, and in the presence of her lover, her own great gains, and making them out to be greater even than theirs, though such may not have been really the case. 26th. Openly opposing her mother when she endeavours to persuade her to take up with men with whom she has been formerly acquainted, on account of the great gains to be got from them. 27th. Lastly, pointing out to her lover the liberality of his rivals. It sometimes happens that while gains are being sought for, or expected to be realised, that losses only are the result of our efforts, the causes of these losses are: Weakness of intellect. Excessive love. Excessive pride. Excessive self conceit. Excessive simplicity. Excessive confidence. Excessive anger. Carelessness. Recklessness. Influence of evil genius. Accidental circumstances. The results of these losses are: Expense incurred without any result. Destruction of future good fortune. Stoppage of gains about to be realized. Loss of what is already obtained. Acquisition of a sour temper. Becoming unaimiable to every body. Injury to health. Loss of hair and other accidents. On Hospitality How I’ll start this book of poems if I’m needed, I am home cry for me, and I’ll be there I will give you tender care I may need to be in haste limited to single place 1 first of all ask how she feels will her answer e’en be real? she will let you know her feels though, a piece of you she steals with an answer at the tone let you know she’s not at home lest you ask a second time truly with her heart in mind silence may be best instead pleasantries are often dead 2 younger man craves diff’rent style wants to hang around a while skip the small talk, straight to deep craving for a new age preach wisdom comes in tender drops dye which saturates his drink wisdom sought in barroom hops searching for a thought to think mornings after makes him frown cause he doesn’t write it down 3 teacher will belong sometimes knows he will not always says he better make it last walking down the hallways in between the lab’ratories in between the speeches in the space between the space stories found to teach kids as a host in ev’ry session teacher leaves a huge impression 4 counselor aims to include addicts in the choices made opportunity to lose learn from lessons less depraved choicest! ye belong who lead kind of like you are in need when your leader says you may second-in-command, you stay “team is only strong” he thinks “as the weakest lessons linked!” 5 let me tell my aim for this: tell a tale about the answers from the folks I asked the question: when do you belong? ask I: what it is you need? how it is that I can help? when is it that you feel most, feel like you belong? ask this: I will in a structure hoping not to be too cryptic please forgive the grammar latin as I’m bound by meter 6 final note about my rhymes may not always land this is due to lack of time and a thought Román: meter’s pleasing more than rhyme to your god of choice rhyme was simpler back in time due to suffix poise poems will take you on a journey time will be defense attorney 7 back to story ‘bout belong crucialest of questions underneath: art Xenia all could use a lesson hospitality is prime echelons above nowadays - since home sub-prime - lost this art of love if not careful, you’ll remain renter to an owner’s game 8 for they who tend to bars doth know tis not responsibility to help a patron feel belong extends beyond ability and this is utmost agency bestowed upon to you to find, within, where you belong depends on solely you but be transparent ‘bout your needs and do not bite the hand that feeds 9 (Begin with end in mind set tactics for my time) and where is it that this will end? is where I now begin my answer to question ‘bove is: where you’re called for din where you are need is where you eat as you’ve been called for din and do not fret how you’ve been called as you’ve been called for din 10 and this accentuates a rule that: should not speech compel please hold me to this complex rule within these poems I spell you have the right to listen not this comes within The First so sacrifice the forum Musk so “list’ning” you’ll not thirst demanding speech! you may retort perhaps a judge will judge in court 11 but serious is not my aim more: like I am to wit and satire with the darkness maimed less cold than witch’s tit you may find this is english tongue a language by the Brits we speak the name of single culture already they have mastered this when notice inner englishman know he’s the root of Yankee Se’en 12 so, when will he belong with her? is question asked most oft it drives the spice trades, and our arts it drives the Wall Street Lofts it drives him close to you tonight it drives him far away to lose our life doth bring us fright when driving, I must say: tis best to drive nails ‘stead of screws as nails are easy to remove 13 and news helps us feel we belong they look into your face and trance you with a passion strong like glue to screen we paste you’re in our inner circle - first and second: buy these meds and also, there’s a deal on thirst for foxy women legs they sell the sense that you belong and when you leave: that feel you long 14 you’re trying to avoid the tribe but seeking dances tribal and sports are where you simulate a fam’ly for a while and great it is to work together when def’ntly you belong it def’ntly feels you’re birds of feather but not as fam’ly strong with ev’ry win and losing moan sports fluctuate testosterone 15 and after you have played your game for power, fame, or fortune the restless head out to the club! to wiggle and contortion so… something special happens here unless there is a host the hegemony set by studs corrals attentions most so… now I will propose a change cuz clubs of new are getting strange 16 admit I that I am a strange so clubs have gotten bored but as a stranger I have noted oh, where are little lords? a “little lord” I mean in this are owners-managers combined our capital divide has caused an owner-manager divide though, by the constitution, there may not be royalty (not fair) 17 pleasing god: pentult’mate aim but pleasing land lord is first step little lords along the way ought have minutia of respect lords are not aloud, again so diff’rent naam I’ll use countless are the roles who’ve lived as noble sikhs have mused the little lords who set the plan… we’re searching for a Club Sultan 18 crave we for a leader at the clubs frequent if we give attention if our money’s spent protect ya neck! don’t claim a title this name you should not claim for roles befit for now’day’s martyrs are Count in Google’s brain roosting chickens, roosting roosters help us with our courage muster 19 Our fidelity hath pity for the meek and patient courage also hath this pity confident are lessened when the man comes ‘round as he sips and sups shudder we to inner core vuln’rable as pups in the meantime, not a “man” man’ger in the club: Sultan 20 Do not mistake the sound “Sultan” I’m talking ‘bout an owner cuz managers will hide ‘hind rules leave message at the toner believe me, bottle service counts to those who want to drink but how much better with your cousins approached by pretty pinks for isn’t bestest yet at weddings?! as pistoned hearts fuel tribal mending 21 so sure… a wedding’s function of the family size you have and frequenter are weddings when more money god has gave but when you have to settle for a club right down the streets it lacks an owner-manager who gives out rules cheat sheets “stand there if you want approach” “tell him if you see a roach” 22 have something simple when low stakes have more complex when higher risk “when at this gay bar, may be frisked” would help reduce mistakes “should be transparent ‘bout your needs” “our maintenance will help” “e’en though, your name cannot compel” “the issue we will quelch” “it’s not that you’re not special member, our janitor just won’t remember” 23 our Sultan doesn’t need to ride on elephant or steed they’re just most apt to help protect our well-known fairer breed and how more like to feel we that “it’s here that I belong” de-central database of rules but not a list so long for issues will arise when we augment our eye reality 24 now let me cut straight to the chase and taper off to money for this risks solidarity: our anti-lunging honey what if at eyes a reddened flag at sickle cell anemia? propensity for sickness, on our social media I’m pulling this one down from shelf in truth we’ll do this to ourselves 25 but really worse is the machine as “which one’s pink” has warned we’re probly not head towards an end of theater war torn (again to chase) we’ll see a feed or advertisement board a woman that we’d like to breed or polar bears as lords and networking for royal sex our heart rate fluctuates index 26 welcome you my current son welcome to machine school you do not like, I know budget’s much too lean but this is where you must belong until your time has come to pull away the angst of fame and in which holes you’ll cum the monks have meditated so that you can choose which debt you’ll owe 27 so serve somebody, up above the echelon you’re in and shoot for firmament above you’ll land somewhere within you’ll feel the plebian is ought the people you deserve then flip this passage on it’s head and then you’re ought the world for power’s only ought to thee when you can grasp dichotomies 28 dichotomoies will come with age there’s one I’m writing ‘bout the owner-man’ger ‘otomy a renter ought to pout pathetic is our equity but most of all our liberty when we pay rent, we leave with none to pass down to our current son inherit credit weak or strong the banks dictate where we belong 29 a mortgage for a home is good for those who dwell within cuz lit’rally you get to keep that monthly dollar given and also pride of ownership a fuzzy warmth abut how clean you’ve kept yourself, your life, your ship a commune’s pride is mean so give this thought a fucking rest he’ll fuck the prime and fuck the rest 30 and lit’rally the only tribe that doesn’t end up gross is brothers, sisters, mom and dad with gramma-grampa boss community of women community of kids is from when baby’s heads broke wombs and left the mother dead it takes a while for man to trust survival for his given lust 31 and as I promised, where I end is close to where I start it’s at the dinner table that we feel belonging hearts amalgamate identity with those who eat with you and we’re allowed to congregate with only chosen few but know that nothing has been earned best wait in line and take your turn 32 and how you wait in line in life is how you’re measured twice for we can tell the cloth you’re cut from. measures don’t take thrice. (just to let you know: we know the purpose in this life to suffer gracefully in lines alleviate their strife for people notice how you wait don’t let them know you’re running late!) 33